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Mortgaged their house to buy bitcoin

mortgaged their house to buy bitcoin

Are they insane? Imagine this. Do I need a financial planner? Beautyon Jan Page 1 Page 1 ear icon eye icon Fill 23 text file vr.

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mortgaged their house to buy bitcoin
In an interview with CNBC, securities regulator Joseph Borg said some amateur investors are mortgaging their houses to buy bitcoin. So much so, they are willing to rack up huge credit debts, and in some instance even mortgage their houses according to Securities regulator Joseph Borg who is worried about the bitcoin craze. You’re on this mania curve. At some point in time there’s got to be a leveling off,» he said in an interview with Power Lunch. The Director of the Alabama Securities Commission is worried about bitcoin’s lack of regulation and observes that regulators are finding it difficult to keep up with the innovation pace of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin millionaire Grant Sabatier has also written on his blog why he thinks buying the cryptocurrency is a bad idea.

Millionaire warns investors away from bitcoin

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